
Tips to Improve Values in Contact Center 16 February 2022 Blog

Tips to Improve Values in Contact Center

A contact center is one of the divisions that directly interact with customers. Thus, contact center agents must represent the company’s values well to have loyal customers for the company. Besides, contact center agents must also have a uniqueness to become a remarkable selling point and beat the competitors through the contact center. So, how to have a unique selling point in the contact center? One of the powerful strategies is to improve values in the contact center.

Improve Values in the Contact Center

To elevate the customer experience, companies need to improve their contact center performance. Therefore, they can get loyal customers as the further results of the services provided. Below are some tips on how to improve values in the contact center.

  1. Communicate with customers regularly

The fact that a company needs to get more transactions and revenues sometimes makes the interaction between the contact center and customers only stuck on driving sales. Yet, your company should not focus on driving sales directly but also on building consistent customer communication. Communicating with customers to build their trust is important to increase value at the contact center. Make sure that customers are happy with the services offered by your company so they can stay loyal to your company.

  1. See from the customer point-of-view

Contact center agents have to handle thousands of customers every day. This responsibility makes some agents just want to get their job done without paying attention to the customer. Contact center agents are supposed to handle customer-reported problems from the customer’s point of view, not just the company’s templates. Doing this will make the customers feel valued, as the agent strives to meet their expectations and fulfill their needs.

  1. Offer complete information about new products

The contact center usually acts as a customer service to report product-related problems or even find out more information about offered products. Contact center agents also ensure that customers maximize the use of the products they purchase. To increase sales and attract customers to use your company’s products continuously, agents can offer or provide detailed information about new products to customers.

  1. Emphasize the goal to increase customer satisfaction

Building empathy when serving customers can improve the customer experience. When agents show their genuine willingness and emphasize the goal to serve customers well, it will increase customer satisfaction. Therefore, customers will be loyal, and the company will get more profits.

  1. Expand agent knowledge with value-added services

Providing customer service with qualified and knowledgeable agents through value-added takes a long and complicated process. However, it will have a long-term impact on the company. This process takes commitment and focuses on continuously adding better “value” to the various customer services provided. To do this, you will need to broaden your agent’s expertise and consider applying new techniques in the contact center division to help them thrive during changing market conditions.


Many companies use third parties as their contact center outsourcing. Make sure your contact center agents provider also has value-added services such as training programs to add more value to your contact center agents. MitraComm Business Process Services (MBPS), a business unit of MitraComm Ekasarana, a subsidiary of Phintraco Group, provides various value-added services for contact center agents. MBPS has certified trainers and experienced practitioners who will facilitate the motivational and soft skills training programs. Besides, MitraComm also provides advanced skills development through online training (E-Learning Center) and Premises.


Contact us through to find out more about value-added services from MBPS.




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3 Cara Mengoptimalkan Media Sosial untuk Selangkah Lebih Dekat dengan Pelanggan 21 June 2021 Blog

3 Cara Mengoptimalkan Media Sosial untuk Selangkah Lebih Dekat dengan Pelanggan

Media sosial telah menjadi ekosistem yang tidak bisa diabaikan untuk strategi marketing. Jika kita melihat tren saat ini, di mana pun dan kapan pun, semua orang menggunakan berbagai platform media sosial untuk mencari informasi atau sekedar mencari hiburan.

Untuk perusahaan, tren ini dapat menjadi sebuah keberuntungan jika mereka mampu memanfaatkannya. Namun tantangannya adalah mengelola lebih dari satu akun media sosial secara manual akan menghabiskan banyak waktu, pikiran dan tenaga, karena banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan – baik untuk pembuatan konten atau menangani interaksi pelanggan.

“Semua masalah pasti ada solusi.” Ungkapan tersebut juga berlaku untuk tantangan yang dihadapi perusahaan dalam hal pengelolaan media sosial. Saat ini, tersedia beberapa cara mengoptimalkan media sosial untuk membantu perusahaan selangkah lebih dekat dengan pelanggan.

Mari simak informasi tentang 3 cara mengoptimalkan media sosial untuk selangkah lebih dekat dengan pelanggan!

1. Ketahui seluruh interaksi yang berkaitan dengan bisnis di platform digital

Data yang dihimpun dari interaksi calon pelanggan atau pelanggan di media sosial sangat berpotensi bagi perkembangan bisnis. Interaksi antar pengguna media sosial menghasilkan data dalam jumlah besar, namun tersebar di beberapa platform. Maka dari itu, cara manual tidak lagi relevan untuk mengetahui informasi tentang produk, brand, kompetitor, dan tren yang sedang terjadi.

Perusahaan perlu mengetahui segala informasi yang berkaitan dengan bisnis mereka, yaitu dengan menggunakan bantuan platform digital listening.

Platform digital listening berfungsi untuk mengetahui seluruh interaksi yang berkaitan dengan suatu brand di beberapa platform media sosial seperti Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook dan platform digital lain, seperti Blog, Portal Berita, dan lain-lain.

Dengan platform ini, nantinya perusahaan akan mampu mengetahui persepsi dan penerimaan pelanggan atas produk atau layanan yang dimiliki, mengetahui apa saja ekspektasi pelanggan terhadap produk atau layanan sejenis, mengetahui bagaimana persepsi pelanggan terhadap kompetitor dan mengukur efektivitas strategi kompetitor.

2. Kelola interaksi pelanggan dari berbagai channel secara cepat dan tepat

Karena pelanggan melakukan interaksi di beberapa platform yang sesuai dengan preferensi mereka, maka perusahaan perlu menerapkan strategi untuk mengelola seluruh interaksi tersebut secara cepat dan tepat. Tentunya, cara manual juga tidak lagi relevan untuk menjalankan operasional ini.

Platform omnichannel adalah solusi untuk tantangan pengelolaan interaksi pelanggan di berbagai platform media sosial. Dengan platform omnichannel, seluruh interaksi pelanggan di berbagai channel dapat dikelola oleh agent dalam satu platform.

Platform omnichannel dilengkapi dengan fitur berikut ini

· Sistem ticketing terintegrasi

Platform omnichannel memungkinkan agent bekerja secara efektif dengan menggabungkan interaksi seluruh channel digital ke satu sistem ticketing.

· Sistem kolaborasi antar agent

Platform omnichannel dapat meningkatkan kualitas kolaborasi antar agent untuk mengurangi waktu yang dibutuhkan saat menangani satu keluhan pelanggan. Jika satu agent tidak mampu mengatasi keluhan tertentu, agent dapat secara otomatis mengalihkan tugas kepada agent dengan kemampuan yang lebih tepat untuk menangani keluhann tersebut.

· Sistem terintegrasi untuk database pelanggan dari seluruh channel media sosial

Platform omnichannel memungkinkan agent untuk mengelola database pelanggan dari seluruh channel dalam satu sistem.

· Sistem real-time reporting

Platform omnichannel menyediakan hasil laporan interaksi pelanggan secara real-time, termasuk laporan mengenai kinerja agent.

3. Terapkan layanan pelanggan proaktif

Loyalitas pelanggan akan selalu bergantung pada bagaimana suatu perusahaan melayani kebutuhan mereka dengan baik. Ketika sebuah perusahaan memberikan layanan yang memuaskan kepada pelanggan, mereka akan rela untuk membeli suatu produk atau menggunakan layanan yang sama secara berulang-ulang. Ini artinya, loyalitas pelanggan akan lebih mudah didapatkan dengan penerapan layanan pelanggan proaktif.

Untuk mendukung perusahaan menerapkan layanan pelanggan proaktif, kini tersedia platform omnichannel automation.

Platform ini akan membantu tim agent mengotomatiskan pembuatan segmentasi pelanggan, strategi marketing yang disesuaikan dengan preferensi masing-masing pelanggan, manajemen konten, dan menyiapkan strategi layanan pelanggan di masa depan berdasarkan data yang tersedia.

Mengoptimalkan media sosial untuk selangkah lebih dekat dengan pelanggan merupakan strategi yang sangat tepat bagi bisnis di era digital. Oleh karena itu, MitraComm Ekasarana sebagai salah satu perusahaan BPO di Indonesia, menghadirkan layanan Digital Engagement untuk perusahaan.

Seperti yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya, MitraComm akan membantu perusahaan Anda mengoptimalkan media sosial untuk selangkah lebih dekat dengan pelanggan dengan menghadirkan 3 platform utama yaitu platform digital listening, omnichannel, dan omnichannel automation.

Media sosial telah menjadi tempat untuk melihat tren pelanggan yang bergerak secara cepat dan sulit diprediksi. Mengoptimalkan media sosial untuk selangkah lebih dekat dengan pelanggan menjadi kunci kesuksesan agar bisnis selalu siap akan perubahan, dan menjadikan suatu brand lebih unggul dari kompetitor.

Anda dapat menghubungi untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang layanan Digital Engagement dari MitraComm.

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3 Ways to Optimize Social Media to Know Your Customer Better 21 June 2021 Blog

3 Ways to Optimize Social Media to Know Your Customer Better

Social media has become an important tool for marketing strategy. If we are looking on today’s trend, everyone use social media platform to find information or entertainment – at anytime and anywhere.

For companies, this trend can be their advantages if they are able to use it at its best. However, the challenges are managing more than one social media account will spend a lot of time and effort, because there are a lot of things that we need to focus on – both for making contents or handling customer interactions.

However, “every problem has a solution.” This phrase is also applies to managing social media challenges. Nowadays, there are several ways for companies to optimize social media to know customers better.

Let us find information about 3 ways to optimize social media to know customers better!

1. Find every interaction related to your business on digital platform

Data from potential or customer interactions on social media is potential for business growth. Social media user interactions generate big amount of data, but they are spread across multiple platforms. Therefore, manual way is no longer relevant to find all information about products, brands, competitors, and current trends.

Companies need to know all information related to their business, and they can get all of those information with the implementation of digital listening platform.

Digital monitoring platform is able to crawl conversation regarding  your brand on some digital channels such as Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Blog, Forum, News portal, etc.

By using digital listening platform, companies will be able to find out public opinion and expectation on similar products or services and measuring the effectivity of competitor’s acitivities.

2. Manage customer interactions across channels quickly and accurately

Customer do interactions on several platforms based on their preferences, so that companies need to prepare strategy to manage all interactions quickly and accurately. Indeed, manual way is no longer relevant to run this operation.

An omnichannel platform is a right solution to solve social media challenges. With omnichannel platform, all customer interactions across channel can be handled by agent in one platform.

Platform omnichannel dilengkapi dengan fitur berikut ini

· Integrated ticketing system

Omnichannel platform is enable agents to work effectively by integrating all interactions across digital channel to one ticketing system.

· Collaboration system for agents

Omnichannel platform is able to improve the quality of agents collaboration to reduce respond time. If an agent cannot handle certain case, the agent can distribute tickets to different agent who has specific skills.

·  Integrated systems to customer database from all social media channels

Omnichannel platform is enable agent to manage customer agents across channel on one single system.

· Real-time reporting system

Omnichannel platform provides customer interaction reports in real-time, including reports about agent performance.

3. Implement proactive customer services

Customer loyalty will depend on how companies treat their needs. When a company provide satisfaction to customers, customer will be willing to buy a product or use the same service over and over again. It means that customer loyalty will be easier to obtain by implementing proactive customer services.

To support companies implementing proactive customer services, now they can utilize omnichannel automation platform.

This platform can help agent teams to make customer segmentation easlily, customized marketing strategy based on each customer preferences, content management, and prepare future customer service strategy based on available data.

Optimizing social media to know your customer better is the right strategy for today’s business in digital era. MitraComm Ekasarana as one of BPO company in Indonesia, offers Digital Engagement services for companies at all sizes and any industry.

As we have mentioned earlier, MitraComm will help companies to optimize social media to know customers better by offering 3 main platforms such as digital listening, omnichannel, and omnichannel automation.

Social media is the best place to find out customer trends. Optimizing social media to know your customer better is the successful key to make business more adaptive and one step ahead of the competition.

You can reach us at to get further information about Digital Engagement services from MitraComm.

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