
Registration and Purchase Mechanism of e-Meterai for WAPU 23 March 2022 Blog

Registration and Purchase Mechanism of e-Meterai for WAPU

Wajib Pungut (WAPU), or pemungut, is one of the users of e-Meterai on a large scale. After knowing what WAPU is and what companies are included in WAPU, we will now discuss how these companies can register and purchase e-Meterai from the MitraComm Ekasarana Channel as one of the distributors selected by PERURI.

Registration Process for WAPU

The WAPU registration process is carried out through the Supply Chain Meterai (SCM) with the knowledge of the distributor who will approve the registration. Below are the easy steps that WAPU has to do to register:

1.      Data Collection

To register, the company must prepare several data needed for the process, such as:

  • Company name
  • Company’s address
  • Coordinates (optional)
  • NPWP
  • PIC data (SPV, FIN, and STAFF) including name, email, and mobile number
  • Contract (between Distributor and WAPU)

2.      Review and Approval

When the required data has been prepared and collected, the distributor will conduct a legal review before approving the registration. If all the related data is legal, correct, and valid, the distributor will give the registration approval for WAPU to make transactions with e-Meterai.

3.      User and Password Distribution

Pemungut (WAPU) must also place orders through the Supply Chain Meterai (SCM) platform. WAPU needs to have a user and password to access the account. If the review and approval are successful, the distributor will provide a user and password to make transactions and order e-Meterai quota.


e-Meterai Ordering Process for WAPU

The e-Meterai that WAPU has ordered will be in the form of a quota or stock of ready-to-use e-Meterai. The payment of e-Meterai for WAPU is post-paid, which is done after they use it. Pemungut (WAPU) must use at least 1,000 e-Meterai every month.

1.      PR (Purchase Request) & PO (Purchase Order) Submission

In this submission process, the STAFF responsible for collecting (WAPU) must make a PR through the Supply Chain Meterai (SCM). This process is almost the same as placing an order to a distributor.

2.      Review and Approval

After the PR is completed, the WAPU SPV must approve and continue the process with the PO making by the STAFF. After becoming a PO, the SPV Distributor will review the deposited PO. If the PO is correct, the distributor will approve the request for the quota or stock of e-Meterai by WAPU. Next, the system will send the e-Meterai quota to their system.


Besides WAPU, wholesalers, end-users, and enterprises can also register and purchase e-Meterai through the MitraComm Ekasarana Channel at MitraComm Ekasarana, through its business unit, MitraComm Ekasarana Channel Solution, is a trusted e-Meterai distributor company selected directly by PERURI. We will provide precise and clear directions for you during the required process.


Find out more information about e-Meterai by contacting us through


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Discovering Important Information About WAPU 16 March 2022 Blog

Discovering Important Information About WAPU

Recent provision regarding e-meterai that the government just launched is considered a new thing for the Indonesian people. It is not surprising that there are still many things that people do not know about this e-meterai. Thus, societies need to adapt and actively seek more relevant information. One of the e-meterai users is WAPU or pemungut (collectors). Not many people are familiar with this term and what kind of users are categorized as WAPU. So, let us discover the complete information about WAPU and how they get the e-meterai here.

What is WAPU?

WAPU stands for Wajib Pungut. This term is used for companies or business entities that the Minister of Finance chooses as Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) collectors. Not only collecting taxes but this agency is also obliged to deposit and report taxes on Barang/Jasa Kena Pajak (BKP/JKP) that have been collected to Pengusaha Kena Pajak (PKP). The WAPU mechanism is implemented to increase taxpayer compliance, which is relatively low, increase state revenues, and strengthen tax administration. In distributing the e-e-meterai, WAPU can make purchases using the postpaid transaction. Currently, there are approximately 400 companies as WAPU selected by the DJP that can cooperate with MitraComm Ekasarana Channel Solution to obtain e-seal services. How does WAPU get e-meterai quotas from the distributor? Find the answer in our next article.

WAPU Companies Category

As explained above, not all companies or business entities are chosen as WAPU. So, who are these PPN collectors? There are 4 companies or business entities that fall into the WAPU category based on government regulations. Check out the explanation below.

1.      Government Treasurer and KPKN

The treasurer or officer who makes payments from the Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) or Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) is referred to as the government treasurer and Kantor Perbendaharaan dan Kas Negara (KPKN). Government treasurers include:

  • Directorate General of Treasury
  • Treasurer elected by the Minister/Chairman of the Institution
  • Treasurer of Central and Regional Government

2.      Contractor of Partnership Agreements

The contractor of partnership agreements category is included in the WAPU companies or business entities regulated in Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) Nomor 73/PMK.03/2010. Those companies are as follows:

  • Contractor of partnership agreements for oil and gas extraction
  • Contractor or permit holder of geothermal resources, which includes the head office, branches, or units

3.      State-Owned Enterprises

One of the companies included in the WAPU category is State-Owned Enterprises or BUMN. BUMN selected as WAPU should have 51% of company shares controlled by the government and not include subsidiaries or joint ventures. If there is a change in share ownership, the BUMN can lose its WAPU status because it no longer meets the BUMN criteria.

4.      Certain Business Entities

According to their sector, many specific business entities are included in the WAPU. A list of specific business entities included in the WAPU can be found in Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) Nomor 37/PMK.03/2015.


Those are the important information related to WAPU. WAPU companies can register and purchase e-meterai through MitraComm Ekasarana Channel Solution. MECS, a subsidiary of the Phintraco Group, has been trusted by many large companies to provide various technology solutions related to corporate electronic transaction services. One of the services offered by MECS is the e-meterai service, and Peruri has officially selected Mitracomm Ekasarana as an Authorized Distributor of e-meterai.


Contact us through or visit our website at to buy e-meterai through MitraComm Ekasarana.




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3 Advantages of e-Meterai That You Need to Know 09 March 2022 Blog

3 Advantages of e-Meterai That You Need to Know

When doing transactions using certificates, deeds, letters of agreement, or other securities, people need stamp duty so that these documents can be accounted for and recognized in court. The payment of this stamp duty is denoted by a stamp affixed to these documents. Formerly, the ratification of these paper documents required the presence and approval of several parties before the stamp was affixed. As time goes by, many people are starting to shift to digital documents. Now, the public has the convenience of completing the stamp-affixing process through an online portal since UU No 10 Tahun 2020 concerning Bea Meterai was passed.

Advantages of e-Meterai

The e-Meterai that can be affixed in a digital document is different in physical characteristics from the paper one. e-Meterai offers several advantages that make it better than the conventional stamps and stamp duty payment methods. Here are the 3 most significant advantages of e-Meterai:

1.    More Practical

In contrast to the conventionally affixed paper stamps (meterai), e-Meterai offers practicality in its buying and affixing process. Formerly, people had to buy a stamp from stationery, photocopy shop, or modern retail to get a stamp. Now, people can easily get e-Meterai from anywhere through the system provided by Peruri. The process of purchasing and affixing the e-Meterai is more convenient and practical because it can be done on an online portal that Peruri has developed. This process can be done through the link Besides, the seal included in the e-Meterai technology system can also ease large agencies or companies to do transactions because they no longer need a lot of time to print and scan documents.

2.    Authentic

In many cases, the conventional stamps (meterai) are often misused by being counterfeited or even reused. This problem is detrimental to the government and does not guarantee the document’s validity in the law. E-meterai will guarantee the authenticity and validity of documents. e-Meterai has several must-have characteristics; one of them is a unique code in the form of a serial number. This unique code will distinguish each e-Meterai, so the possibility of being counterfeited and even reused will be minimal. In addition, Peruri also has a validation system that can prevent e-Meterai counterfeit attempts. Even Peruri has provided an application that can examine valid information related to the e-Meterai, including serial number, time stamping or the time of affixing, and the party who does the affixing. The application can be downloaded on the Google Play Store and Apple Store under “Peruri Scanner”.

3.      Documents Stored Safely

Stamps (meterai) affixed to paper documents are potentially be lost or damaged. Your documents will still be stored safely using digital documents and affixed with e-Meterai. When buying and affixing e-Meterai in the portal, you need to create an account that requires some personal information to register. After successfully registering, you will have an account that stores your documents and affix histories. More than that, you can also re-download existing documents through the portal within 1×24 hours, or you can view the history via the user’s email because when you finish stamping, the document is automatically sent to your email. e-Meterai also has a system that can detect changes in documents that have been affixed with e-Meterai to prevent fraud.


The explanations above are the advantages offered by e-Meterai that you or your company can consider switching from conventional paper stamps (meterai). Get e-Meterai easily and practically through

MitraComm Ekasarana, a subsidiary of Phintraco Group, has been officially selected by Peruri as a Distributor of Electronic Meterai. MECS offers many technology solutions, and one of them is e-Meterai. MitraComm Ekasarana has an integrated system with an API to simplify the e-Meterai stamping process. Besides, MitraComm Ekasarana also provides support services that are always available 24/7.


Contact us through email at to know more information about e-meterai.




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