
The Benefits of Implementing Outbound Call Center for Business Growth 12 March 2021 Blog

The Benefits of Implementing Outbound Call Center for Business Growth

What is Outbound Call Center?

A call center within organization is divided into 2 services, they are inbound and outbound call center. In this article, we will focus on finding more about outbound call center and its benefits for business growth.

An outbound call center is an activity that allows call center agents to make outbound calls to an organization’s customers or prospects. These activities may be for market research, proactive customer service, sales, debt recovery or other purposes according to business requirements. In most cases, outbound call center services consist of Telecollection, Telemarketing, Telesales, Welcome Call, Data Cleansing, and Telesurvey. Let us take a look at these following explanation about outbound call center services and its benefits for business growth:

·         Telecollection

Telecollection is one of receivable management process. It is also known as reminder calls to client’s customers as an initiative for credit recovery to ensure “on-time payment”, and to reduce the risk of losses on receivables.

·  Telemarketing

Telemarketing is the process of finding new customers or generating interest in a brand, product or service by providing the information directly to potential customers over the phone. The benefits of implementing telemarketing is to find more new opportunities by making potential customer curious about product offered. It needs high-skilled agents to achieve the objective of having telemarketing services.

· Telesales

Telesales may sound similar to telemarketing, but the differences between these two services are its purpose. The purpose of telesales is to improve sales performance by selling products or services to customers through the calls.

·  Welcome call

Welcome call is one of outbound call center services that becomes the most effective way to create a long-lasting relationship with customers, especially new customers.

This outbound call center service consists of providing information about products or brands, promotion, and also about the company itself to customers in a more personal way when they have completed their transaction, so that it is expected that the company is always able to maintain customer trust and loyalty.

· Data cleansing

Data cleansing is a strategic approach to enrich business data for higher quality. By implementing this kind of service, organizations can select and remove corrupted, incorrectly formatted, duplicate, or incomplete data within datasets.

·  Telesurvey

Telesurvey is a survey carried out by call center agents over the phone. Establishing this service within a business let the customer know that the business really cares about hearing their feedback, so that a business is able to ensure customer satisfaction or take any possible wrongs, and turn them into rights.

Implementing outbound call center services is a strategic approach to build positive reputation and to support business growth. Since outbound call center services are crucial for business continuity, then organizations need to establish a reliable outbound call center management.

Organizations can leave their outbound call center activities to a business process outsourcing company. Partnering with the right business process outsourcing provider will help companies to have reliable outbound call center management that is supported by experts and updated technology to keep up with competitive business environment.

If you are looking for business partners that is providing outbound call center outsourcing services, you have come to the right place! You can rely on MitraComm Ekasarana to support and handle your outbound call center. To know further information about outbound call center services offered by MitraComm, do not hesitate to contact us at

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5 Business Activities We Could Outsource to Grow Business 10 March 2021 Blog

5 Business Activities We Could Outsource to Grow Business

Many organizations tend to avoid outsourcing to handle their some business activities, because they think it requires huge cost.  In fact, it is actually not true. They fail to calculate the value of opportunities lost because they invested too much time into tasks that can be best left to others. Having a business process outsourcing company as a business partner will help you more focus on more important matters, then it will make open new opportunities to increase revenue significantly.

In outsourcing services, there are some business activities we could outsource to a business process outsourcing company, it is commonly known as transactional process outsourcing. Did you know which business activities we could outsource to a business process outsourcing company?

1. Walk In Customer Service

One of business activities we could outsource to a business process outsourcing company is Walk In Customer Service. Walk In Customer Service is a front line staff that plays an important role in representing company’s image for customers. Therefore, you need to have high skilled and competent staff to manage this business activity. If you are partnering with a business process outsourcing company to manage Walk In Customer Service position within your organization, you do not need to think about their trainings needs and any other related requirements to fulfill the right fit to this position. A business process outsourcing company will dedicate their time to develop their employees’ skills in order to meet all criteria needed by clients.

2. Data Entry

Organized data is the key to accelerate your business growth. However, as a growing organization, you might find it challenging to keep a track of your data on a daily basis. Data Entry is a repetitive and will be time consuming task if it is not managed by professionals. Therefore, outsourcing Data Entry activities to a business process outsourcing company will be the right decision for every company.

3. Loyalty Management

In today’s digital era, business is becoming more competitive. Organizations need to find the right way to provide inovative services and maintain long lasting relationship with customers. Then, one of the right way to meet those goals is establishing Loyalty Management. In managing Loyalty Management activity, organizations need to concern about the extent to which you should approach, delight, and attract customers. By outsourcing this business activities to a business process outsourcing company, organizations  will be able to take a comprehensive approach to prevent valued customers from reaching out to competitors.

4. Direct Sales

At a time when agility and scalability are essential, outsourcing Direct Sales task to a business process outsourcing company is a proven way for organizations to quickly and effectively drive revenue. Direct Sales outsourcing enables organizations to take advantage of untapped opportunities by leveraging skilled resources.

5. Outbound Call

Outbound Call is a proactive activity handled by call or contact center teams to contact customers through phone calls and achieve certain business goals.

If an organization want to establish and manage in-house Outbound Call Center, they will face many challenges that will impact the productivity of their core businesses. It can also stretch human resources, as it requires hiring skilled and competent labor and implements expensive and complex equipments.

To overcome those challenges, an organization could outsource their Outbound Call activities to a business process outsourcing company. Outbound Call outsourcing services consist of Telecollection, Telemarketing, Telesales, Welcome Call, Data Cleansing, Telesurvey, and more. You can find more about outbound call services by clicking this link: (link)

To conclude, those are 5 business activities we could outsource to grow business. 5 mentioned business activities above are available in services offered by MitraComm Ekasarana. MitraComm Ekasarana is a business process outsourcing company that was established in 2007. At present, as a business process outsourcing company in Indonesia, MitraComm is supported by more than 150 experts and 8,000 NP staff, with a capacity of more than 4,000 seats.

MitraComm is fully supported by Phintraco Group, an IT solution provider company in Indonesia that has served more than 200 customers across industries in providing the best IT solutions to meet business needs in today’s digital era. To ensure the quality of services provided to customers, MitraComm has 8 locations across the city center of Jakarta, Tangerang, Semarang, Surabaya and Yogyakarta.

Do not hesitate to contact us at to know further information about all MitraComm’s business process outsourcing services and to consult with out professional teams before taking the right steps for having a business process outsourcing company as your business partner.


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PhinCon Ciptakan Strategi Untuk Dapatkan Kualitas SDM Terbaik 22 October 2019 Blog, Events, News

PhinCon Ciptakan Strategi Untuk Dapatkan Kualitas SDM Terbaik

Saat ini banyak sekali perusahaan yang merasakan betapa rumitnya mengelola manajemen teknologi informasi (IT) dalam organisasi mereka. Pesatnya pertumbuhan teknologi informasi membuat banyak perusahaan harus lebih memperhatikan pengelolaan sistem IT mereka tersebut agar dapat bersaing dengan perusahaan-perusahaan lainnya terutama dengan dunia industri yang memiliki persamaan produk atau jasa yang dipasarkan, namun pada kenyataannya terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan dalam menerapkan hal ini. Salah satu dari kendala tersebut adalah dalam mendapatkan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang kompeten dalam bidang IT.

Perusahaan dituntut untuk melakukan pengelolaan bisnis yang efisien dalam berbagai aspek, hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi dan mendorong penyedia jasa IT Outsourcing hadir untuk membantu perusahaan menyerahkan sebagian ataupun keseluruhan pengelolaan sistem IT kepada pihak ketiga yang dalam hal ini adalah perusahaan penyedia jasa, agar perusahaan dapat lebih fokus dalam pengelolaan bisnis utama mereka lainnya

Perusahaan IT Outsourcing merupakan suatu organisasi yang menyediakan tenaga ahli di bidang teknologi informasi yang mendukung perusahaan meningkatkan kinerja bisnisnya serta institusi lainnya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pengelolaan sistem IT.

PhinCon, salah satu anak perusahaan Phintraco Group yang bergerak dalam bidang IT Consulting, saat ini hadir untuk membantu perusahaan mengatasi kendala tersebut. PhinCon menciptakan unit bisnis baru sebagai penyedia jasa IT Outsourcing.

Untuk dapat memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi para klien PhinCon,  PhinCon menciptakan beberapa strategi untuk mendapatkan kualitas SDM terbaik, salah satunya dengan turut berpatisipasi dalam bursa kerja berskala besar yaitu Indonesia Career Expo 2019 yang bertempat di Balai Kartini, Jakarta Selatan.

Antusiasme para calon kandidat di booth PhinCon pada Indonesia Career Expo 2019

Dengan mengikuti bursa kerja ini, PhinCon sekaligus menunjukan keseriusannya dalam mencari SDM terbaik, terutama yang kompeten dalam bidang IT. PhinCon dalam layanan IT Outsourcing ini menjanjikan kualitas SDM terbaik kepada perusahaan yang bekerjasama dengan PhinCon.

Selain melalui bursa kerja, strategi PhinCon dalam mencari kualitas SDM terbaik juga dilakukan melalui program kerjasama dengan universitas ternama seperti Universitas Bina Nusantara (Binus), dan juga melalui Balai Latihan Kerja Jawa Barat yang berlokasi di Kota Bekasi serta beberapa institusi yang sangat potensial dalam pencarian SDM terbaik. Hal-hal tersebut dilakukan demi mencapai tujuan utama PhinCon – yaitu mendapatkan SDM dengan kualitas terbaik sehingga PhinCon memiliki banyak ahli IT yang dapat memenuhi setiap permintaan klien.

Kandidat yang terpilih juga akan mendapatkan banyak keuntungan dari PhinCon, mereka akan diberi kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pelatihan sesuai dengan bidang IT yang ditekuninya. Sehingga, para SDM yang dimiliki PhinCon terjamin kualitasnya dengan didukung sertifikasi yang akan atau telah mereka miliki.

Perwakilan Resources Division dari PhinCon saat memberikan informasi kepada para calon kandidat

Di setiap kesempatan, perwakilan Resources Division dari PhinCon juga turut hadir untuk memberikan informasi mengenai profil perusahaan dan juga informasi mengenai posisi pekerjaan yang tersedia kepada para pencari kerja agar mereka bisa mengetahui secara jelas mengenai PhinCon, posisi pekerjaan yang akan mereka lamar, serta keuntungan yang akan mereka dapatkan ketika bergabung dengan PhinCon.

Dengan bekerjasama dengan perusahaan penyedia jasa IT Outsourcing yang tepat, perusahaan akan mendapatkan tenaga ahli yang terjamin kualitasnya dan layanan total terhadap seluruh kebutuhan manajemen sistem IT, serta adanya dukungan dari infrastruktur teknologi informasi yang memadai.

Strategi yang PhinCon ciptakan untuk mendapatkan kualitas SDM terbaik adalah bentuk komitmennya untuk menjadi salah satu penyedia jasa IT Outsourcing terpercaya bagi perusahaan. Dengan strategi ini, diharapkan PhinCon dapat membantu perusahaan mengatasi kendala dalam pengelolaan manajemen sistem ITnya dan membuat perusahaan dapat menjalankan manajemen bisnisnya lebih efisien dalam segala aspek.

Further information:

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