
5 Business Activities We Could Outsource to Grow Business 10 March 2021 Blog

5 Business Activities We Could Outsource to Grow Business

Many organizations tend to avoid outsourcing to handle their some business activities, because they think it requires huge cost.  In fact, it is actually not true. They fail to calculate the value of opportunities lost because they invested too much time into tasks that can be best left to others. Having a business process outsourcing company as a business partner will help you more focus on more important matters, then it will make open new opportunities to increase revenue significantly.

In outsourcing services, there are some business activities we could outsource to a business process outsourcing company, it is commonly known as transactional process outsourcing. Did you know which business activities we could outsource to a business process outsourcing company?

1. Walk In Customer Service

One of business activities we could outsource to a business process outsourcing company is Walk In Customer Service. Walk In Customer Service is a front line staff that plays an important role in representing company’s image for customers. Therefore, you need to have high skilled and competent staff to manage this business activity. If you are partnering with a business process outsourcing company to manage Walk In Customer Service position within your organization, you do not need to think about their trainings needs and any other related requirements to fulfill the right fit to this position. A business process outsourcing company will dedicate their time to develop their employees’ skills in order to meet all criteria needed by clients.

2. Data Entry

Organized data is the key to accelerate your business growth. However, as a growing organization, you might find it challenging to keep a track of your data on a daily basis. Data Entry is a repetitive and will be time consuming task if it is not managed by professionals. Therefore, outsourcing Data Entry activities to a business process outsourcing company will be the right decision for every company.

3. Loyalty Management

In today’s digital era, business is becoming more competitive. Organizations need to find the right way to provide inovative services and maintain long lasting relationship with customers. Then, one of the right way to meet those goals is establishing Loyalty Management. In managing Loyalty Management activity, organizations need to concern about the extent to which you should approach, delight, and attract customers. By outsourcing this business activities to a business process outsourcing company, organizations  will be able to take a comprehensive approach to prevent valued customers from reaching out to competitors.

4. Direct Sales

At a time when agility and scalability are essential, outsourcing Direct Sales task to a business process outsourcing company is a proven way for organizations to quickly and effectively drive revenue. Direct Sales outsourcing enables organizations to take advantage of untapped opportunities by leveraging skilled resources.

5. Outbound Call

Outbound Call is a proactive activity handled by call or contact center teams to contact customers through phone calls and achieve certain business goals.

If an organization want to establish and manage in-house Outbound Call Center, they will face many challenges that will impact the productivity of their core businesses. It can also stretch human resources, as it requires hiring skilled and competent labor and implements expensive and complex equipments.

To overcome those challenges, an organization could outsource their Outbound Call activities to a business process outsourcing company. Outbound Call outsourcing services consist of Telecollection, Telemarketing, Telesales, Welcome Call, Data Cleansing, Telesurvey, and more. You can find more about outbound call services by clicking this link: (link)

To conclude, those are 5 business activities we could outsource to grow business. 5 mentioned business activities above are available in services offered by MitraComm Ekasarana. MitraComm Ekasarana is a business process outsourcing company that was established in 2007. At present, as a business process outsourcing company in Indonesia, MitraComm is supported by more than 150 experts and 8,000 NP staff, with a capacity of more than 4,000 seats.

MitraComm is fully supported by Phintraco Group, an IT solution provider company in Indonesia that has served more than 200 customers across industries in providing the best IT solutions to meet business needs in today’s digital era. To ensure the quality of services provided to customers, MitraComm has 8 locations across the city center of Jakarta, Tangerang, Semarang, Surabaya and Yogyakarta.

Do not hesitate to contact us at to know further information about all MitraComm’s business process outsourcing services and to consult with out professional teams before taking the right steps for having a business process outsourcing company as your business partner.


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The Advantages of Contact Center Outsourcing for Business 29 January 2021 Blog

The Advantages of Contact Center Outsourcing for Business

In today’s digital era, contact center plays important role in a business. The quality of contact center is becoming increasingly important to affect customer’s trust on a product or brand. Therefore, contact center outsourcing has been becoming a growing trend in the world of business for many years. Why is that so?

Before we get into the specifics of the advantages of contact center outsourcing, let us first know how critical the role of contact center to the overall success of a business.

According to research from Temkin Group, 65% of customers say that a positive customer service experience is more influential than great advertising.

Another research from American Express reveals that 69% of customers say they will spend more with a company that provides good customer service.

Based on those facts and statistics, we can conclude that having good customer service quality is a must for every company across industries.

The importance of providing good customer service quality makes contact center outsourcing become a growing trend in business literature. Then, do you want to know the advantages of contact center outsourcing? Here are what you need to know about the advantages of contact center outsourcing:

1. Competent employees

The first advantages of having contact center outsourcing partner is every outsourcing provider dedicate their efforts, time, and their resources toward improving employees or agent skills to implement customer service’s best practice and keeping up with industry standards.

A company can rely on contact center outsourcing services to have competent employees and specific expertise in customer service, allowing them to focus on what their business does best.

2. Cost and time savings

Another advantages of contact center outsourcing is helping companies to save their time and cost. When companies choose to outsource their contact center, it means that they have reduced their cost and time spending for certain processes like recruiting, onboarding and training new employees or agents, dealing with high rates of employee turnover, also eliminate cost for building contact center infrastructure such as office space and modern technology implementation to support customer service.

3. Besides providing better services to customers, contact center outsourcing also help companies to get new business opportunities

A contact center outsourcing provider will provide transparency into all customer interactions, and capture them with modern technology support to help a company realize more value from captured interactions that are useful for the future of their business strategy.

4. Contact center outsourcing handle the complex technology operation, so you do not have to

The last but not least, the advantages of contact center outsourcing is helping companies reduce complexity in operating modern technology.

The presence of modern technology for contact center operations is now more complex than before, making the management of contact center operations even more complicated if it is handled by parties who are not competent in customer service. A company can solve those challenges if they work together with a contact center outsourcing provider that is supported by a series of modern technologies that always keep up with customer needs and trends.

By reading this article, you have got information about the advantages of contact center outsourcing. Contact center outsourcing comes in all shapes and sizes, and different levels of service quality.

Before choosing contact center outsourcing provider, it will be much better if you prepare important points such as defining clear targets, understanding company’s culture, and picking the right partner. You can find out what you need to know about the things to keep in mind before outsourcing your contact center by clicking this link.

Are you now in the process of choosing the right partner for outsourcing your contact center? We provide recommendation for you, watch this “MitraComm Customer Success Story” video to find out the answer. Click this link

Further information:

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Mengapa Perusahaan Perlu Memanfaatkan Business Process Outsourcing? 02 November 2020 Blog

Mengapa Perusahaan Perlu Memanfaatkan Business Process Outsourcing?

Saat suatu perusahaan didirikan, pelaku bisnis yang terlibat didalamnya biasanya memilih untuk membangun dan mengelola proses bisnis mereka sendiri secara mandiri. Namun, saat bisnis semakin berkembang, proses bisnis akan semakin rumit dan tidak lagi efektif jika dikerjakan secara mandiri. Jika sudah berada di situasi ini, perusahaan perlu mempertimbangkan untuk bekerjasama dengan penyedia layanan Business Process Outsourcing (BPO).

Pengertian dan Manfaat Business Process Outsourcing untuk Perusahaan

Perusahaan BPO menyediakan berbagai layanan untuk melakukan proses bisnis dari suatu perusahaan tanpa harus menjadi bagian dari perusahaan itu sendiri. Bekerjasama dengan perusahaan BPO dan menggunakan layanannya untuk mengelola area fungsional bisnis tertentu memberikan banyak manfaat dan keuntungan bagi suatu perusahaan. Apa saja keuntungan yang akan didapatkan perusahaan ketika memanfaatkan Business Process Outsourcing? Berikut penjelasannya:

1.      Meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi bisnis secara keseluruhan

Memanfaatkan BPO memungkinkan perusahaan untuk konsentrasi pada aktivitas bisnis utama yang lebih penting untuk meningkatkan nilai bisnis. Dengan mememanfaatkan jasa outsourcing, aktivitas bisnis inti dikerjakan oleh karyawan internal yang kompeten dan aktivitas bisnis non-inti dikelola oleh perusahaan BPO yang lebih ahli dan berpengalaman di bidangnya.

Contohnya, jika perusahaan ingin bekerjasama dengan perusahaan BPO untuk mengelola bagian contact centernya, maka perusahaan bisa fokus pada aktivitas bisnis utama sekaligus memberikan layanan pelanggan yang berkualitas karena perusahaan BPO memiliki kompetensi contact center dengan standar layanan yang mencakup keseluruhan aspek yaitu proses layanan, agent yang berkualitas serta teknologi contact center yang mendukung kepuasan pelanggan.

Kualitas hasil kerja dari BPO juga bisa disesuaikan dengan standart yang diterapkan seperti kepada karyawan internal, yang sesuai dengan nilai, prinsip, visi dan misi perusahaan. Bukan jadi dua hal yang terpisah, namun saling bersinergi untuk menghasilkan proses bisnis yang maksimal serta produktivitas dan efisiensi secara keseluruhan.

2.      Efisiensi biaya

Jika suatu bisnis ingin menerapkan strategi efisiensi biaya, bekerjasama dengan perusahaan BPO profesional adalah salah satu cara untuk mencapainya. Saat perusahaan memutuskan untuk menggunakan jasa outsourcing untuk bagian tertentu yang membutuhkan investasi besar seperti kebutuhan peralatan dan teknologi yang cukup besar nilainya, maka perusahaan menghilangkan kebutuhan investasi akan peralatan dan teknologi tersebut. Perkembangan teknologi juga begitu cepat, dengan memanfaatkan outsourcing, perusahaan bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dengan mendapatkan akses pada teknologi terupdate yang disediakan oleh perusahaan outsourcing, sehingga bisa memenuhi kebutuhan layanan pelanggan yang maksimal.

3.      Meningkatkan kualitas layanan perusahaan di mata pelanggan

Perusahaan BPO profesional selalu fokus dalam pengembangan keahlian untuk suatu proses bisnis tertentu. Jadi, kualitas setiap pekerja yang dimiliki sudah tidak perlu diragukan. Selain menyediakan keahlian di bidang tertentu, perusahaan BPO profesional juga menggunakan teknologi modern agar dapat terus melayani client dengan berbagai persyaratan yang mengikuti tren bisnis masa kini. Memanfaatkan jasa outsourcing dengan penyedia BPO yang tepat membuat perusahaan Anda mendapatkan keuntungan dari segi sumber daya manusia yang ahli di bidangnya, dan juga dari segi kualitas layanan yang diberikan. Proses bisnis yang dikelola oleh perusahaan BPO yang tepat dapat diselesaikan secara cepat dan kompeten dengan penggunaan teknologi mutakhir. Image baik pun akan melekat pada perusahaan Anda di mata pelanggan.

Memilih Perusahaan Business Process Outsourcing yang Tepat untuk Perusahaan

Setelah mengetahui berbagai keuntungan yang akan didapatkan perusahaan ketika memanfaatkan Business Process Outsourcing, lalu bagaimana cara implementasi yang tepat untuk menerapkan layanannya dalam perusahaan Anda?

Untuk mendapatkan semua manfaat yang telah disebutkan, Anda harus terlebih dahulu memastikan bahwa Anda sudah memilih partner BPO yang tepat dan terpercaya. Pelajari rekam jejaknya, latar belakang perusahaan, layanan yang disediakan, penggunaan teknologi, dan yang tidak kalah penting adalah lokasi yang dimiliki.

Anda dapat mempercayakan MitraComm Ekasarana sebagai partner penyedia layanan Business Process Outsourcing yang tepat untuk perusahaan Anda. MitraComm memiliki serangkaian layanan Business Process Outsourcing terlengkap untuk perusahaan, yang diantaranya:

  • Contact Center Outsourcing (Full and Partial Outsourcing)
  • Digital Engagement
  • Transactional Process Outsourcing
  • IT Managed Services
  • Value Added Services

Saat ini, MitraComm telah bekerjasama dengan ratusan perusahaan terkemuka di Indonesia dari berbagai industri. Selain layanan BPO yang lengkap, MitraComm juga menawarkan layanan yang didukung oleh teknologi modern dan terbaik dikelasnya.

MitraComm sepenuhnya didukung oleh Phintraco Group, perusahaan penyedia solusi IT di Indonesia yang sudah melayani lebih dari 200 pelanggan dari berbagai industri dalam memberikan solusi IT terbaik guna memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis di era digital. Untuk menjamin kualitas layanan yang diberikan kepada pelanggan, MitraComm juga telah memiliki 8 lokasi yang berada di pusat kota Jakarta, Tangerang, Semarang, Surabaya dan Yogyakarta.

Hampir semua perusahaan dapat memanfaatkan layanan BPO. Namun, strategi yang diperlukan untuk implementasinya tentu akan berbeda pada setiap perusahaan. Setiap perusahaan perlu merencanakan strategi pemanfaatan layanan BPO sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing.

Segera hubungi kami di untuk mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut mengenai layanan Business Process Outsourcing dari MitraComm, serta konsultasi dengan tim profesional sebelum mengambil langkah tepat guna mengimplementasikan layanan BPO untuk perusahaan Anda.




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MitraComm Business Process Services, Perusahaan Penyedia Layanan Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) di Indonesia

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