
Wholesalers and Enterprises: e-Meterai Users You Need to Know

30 March 2022 Admin Marketing Blog

Electronic seal or e-meterai products have begun to be in great demand by the broader community since they were inaugurated last year because of their advantages for this digital era. Not only sought after by individuals but also by many small and large-scale business units. Besides companies selected by the government as collectors (WAPU), business units of ordinary companies also require e-meterai for the continuity of their business processes. Those business units that require e-meterai include wholesalers and enterprises. In this article, we will explore how there two e meterai users can get e-meterai from distributors.

Wholesaler and Enterprise: An Overview

According to the American Marketing Association, a wholesaler is a business unit that buys products from distributors and resells these products to consumers in limited (non-significant) quantities. A wholesaler can be a company that acts as a third party in purchasing e-meterai for consumers. In comparison, enterprise is another term for companies seeking profit from business activities or processes. Both of these business units basically require e-meterai in their business processes. Wholesalers use e-meterai for resale, while enterprises use it for internal business processes.

How Wholesalers and Enterprises Get e-Meterai

In contrast to companies specifically selected by the government as collectors (WAPU), wholesalers and enterprises must make payments before getting e-meterai (pre-paid). These two e meterai users also have different procedures from the purchasing mechanism for WAPU to get e-meterai from distributors. Below is a detailed explanation of the procedure.

Procedure for wholesalers

For wholesalers to get and resell e-meterai to consumers, they must go through several stages of the procedure as follows:

  1. Register through the distributor portal
  2. Purchase of e-meterai through the distributor portal
  3. Wholesaler account submission with distributor approval
  4. SN forming and stamping via API or portal
  5. e-Meterai is ready to be distributed through the wholesaler link

The wholesaler link will be used to stamp the e-meterai obtained on the consumer’s document.

Procedure for enterprise

The procedure for obtaining e-meterai for an enterprise is not much different from that of a wholesaler. Here are the details:

  1. Register through the distributor portal
  2. Purchase of e-meterai quota through the distributor portal
  3. Register to become an enterprise account with distributor approval
  4. SN forming and stamping via API or portal
  5. Provision of ready-to-use e-meterai quota

Companies that have been registered as enterprises do not have the flexibility to resell e-meterai as wholesalers. The quota given to the enterprise is only for internal use.


Register your business unit as a wholesaler or enterprise now and get your e-meterai through MitraComm Ekasarana, a subsidiary of the Phintraco Group that the government has trusted as the official distributor of Indonesian e-meterai.


Visit for registration and easy purchase of e-meterai.

Contact us through email at to know more about e-meterai or electronic seals.


Related article:

e-Meterai at a Glance

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